Contrast gallery EDEN Exhibition

A photo with my lifetime best friends from EDEN exhibition in which I took part with my “Nature classic photography series” in prestigious city gallery Contrast in my hometown Sofia. The series are featuring nature impression photography pictures in black and white. They are unique by theirs character and by the technique they are made of – some are shot in a dark room only with a simple light bulb and some of them are shot on film. My friend, Interior designer Vessy Gekova showed her interior design pieces of art, made of glass and crystals – EDEN. I was invited by her to take part in her first own exhibition.

Percent of the money from the exponents in exhibition we will donate to “I want baby” foundation, which helps parents, who need help to have a babies. 🐣

Фото-кредит: Елена Дикова, Емил Стоянов